Love Attitude Test

Love Attitude Test

Do You Try to Change Your Partner’s Attitude?

Here’s a fun Love Attitude Test question for everyone: Do you try to change your partner’s attitude toward you, or do you try to change your partner’s attitude toward you and change your relationship?

For example, if your partner has a fear of cats and you love them very much and would never even dream of hate for them, then wouldn’t it be nice if your partner simply said something like, “We can’t live without them.”

Or can you imagine a much more sophisticated Love Attitude Test question?

What if your partner’s Love Attitude Test reading was, “There is no such thing as love, only lust.”I like to use the term “Love Attitude Test” because that makes it seem like an objective question. And it’s not!! Love is a feeling that one possesses, and it’s a relationship state that is experienced right inside you as you’re experiencing it right now.

Love is not a feeling that you either have or don’t have, it’s not a feeling that you think you HAVE or don’t have. Love is experiencing helplessness, and taking pleasure in the experience of Love.

Because, the Universe knows what you’re experiencing at that moment whether it’s funny reassurance from your partner, angry complaint from the Universe, a painful self-doubt experience, or whatever. The Universe sees and knows for you, because YOU are experiencing it. And the Universe is giving you your raw material, your love response, because you have opened to receive it.

In order to have a successful Love Attitude Test, you MUST be willing to release the ego/jerk/sabotage that comes up when you are in an experience of intense love. You must be willing to acknowledge and release your fears, your anxieties, and your aspirations for your ideal love relationship. You must be willing to let go of the past, your fears and what you would do in every possible future situation (even those that don’t happen) straight into the now moment.

Your Love Attitude Test is the result of many years of intense soul searching, possibly from a variety of religious, spiritual, mystical and healative/spiritual schools of thought, and a lot of personal experimentation. The types of Attitudes that your Attitudes generate are the answers to the following questions:

How important is family (and love of friends, and love of life, as well as your perfect partner and family life) in the probability of romantic reactivity, and love?Is trust, which comes from being cooperative and tolerant and which helps you live in the present moment, an important Love Attitude test?

What are the universal truths that govern the polarity of Trust and Forge in your relationships?

What personality traits should you be aware of that serve you well in all your relationships?

When you’re happy and you love, is your mind focused on what’s best for all, or on what you want (UAL5) ?

What are the 5 most critical Love Attitudes that could trigger your partner’s Attitudes?

What Trusting Attitudes do you need to understand if you want a healthy relationship?

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