7 Ways to Tell If the Guy You Fancy, Fancies You Back


Here are 7 ways if the guy you fancy. The double-edged sword of love is equally effective in bringing two unlike minds together, and yet completely barriers to a blissful relationship. Now, before you cry your heart out, you must know that there’s such a thing as the “people’s paradox“.

It involves a guy going mad on the girl of his dreams, and around the world in general, when he finds that he really adores her and then realizes that he’d have to do a lot to maintain the feelings.

So after a few awesome and loving months of courtship, the guy will realize that his girl is not as ecstatic as he is in her presence. And then what? The relationship goes fastest downhill. It’s possible to avoid this scenario by having the right mindset before you ever become seriously involved.

What most guys don’t realize is that the best relationships are those that take place without a doubt, except with the two people involved. Although you may have visions of living happily ever after together, don’t try making that happen.

That means having no inhibitions, no fear of losing her or saying the wrong thing. Instead, take your time. I heard a story once about two kids. They thought their father would be their hero as a husband and father someday. Little did these poor kids know that their father would someday be their supper host.

Never try too hard and never explain your feelings to her too early. Wait for the emotions to develop first, and be careful not to say things you don’t mean to say, at least not at first. Here are 7 hints for you to watch out for, so that you can recognize this when it happens.

1.His jokes include sexual innuendoes.

For him, it’s all about “touchy feely”, as he calls it. He can make subtle hints, even jokes, to make you blush. He also obesity apologizes for anything he has related to weight, even if he is an overweight guy.

He puts his hands in his pockets, making it apparent that he’s keeping his crotch out for other men to lust over.

2.He’s not too bashful about touching your breasts.

A guy who’s into you will gladly reach out and touch base with his girl. He might also hold your hand or your waist or he’ll simply give you a friendly pat.

3.Watch for feigned sleepiness or a strange episode of toweling oneself.

If your partner does those things, he’s trying to hide something from you. For instance, if he becomes a bit sweaty, he might suddenly apologize, thinking he’s just hungry for your Your Loving Face. He might also have a transformation sort of happen, namely, he might become less amorous.

4.He doesn’t talk about his plans for the future with you or with anyone at all.

There’s more spontaneity in his conversations. He doesn’t talk about settling down or having kids or floating away to a romantic place. It’s like he’s only thinking about what he can do with his next vacation.

5.He has lots of stories, not many of them centered around you.

Look for constant changes in his behavior. It may be simply that he’s aging and his friends might make fun of him once in a while, making him afraid that you’d discover that he’s having a midlife crisis. It could also be that he’s not too interested in you, thinking that you’d be too tired to keep up with a relationship that’s crucially focused on his own needs.

6.There’s an unusual patter of pets in his apartment.

Note that feline licking his face, scooting closer and closer to him, and she constantly looks at your breasts. Turn it up, enjoy it, but don’t act all thrill.

7.He disappears for days at a time, without ever saying anything.

This is a classic case of him being wise and more refined, and giving you plenty of time to work things out in your head, before he resurfaces. Men try to keep things as amicable as possible, in instances like this. Don’t fall for it, because if he’s playing you, he’ll leave sooner or later.

If he’s been your steady boyfriend for a long time and he’s offered no sign of changing, consider the alternative. He may have achy pretty much straight away, meaning he’s playing hard to get. If this is the case, just be patient and give him heaps of space.

If he gets the hint that you won’t stand for his nonsense, he’ll go out of his way to regain your affection. Just remember that it doesn’t matter how great his game is. He might be a Witcher, a royal carriage, a proper James Bond… or he might be just a regular guy, like you are.

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