Dating Tips For Guys – The Neediness Phenomenon!

Dating Tips

There’s one thing that most guys do which will turn women off; it’s neediness. I know, you are going to ask what type of things that I am saying and here’s the reason: girls can smell neediness a mile away, it’s like a bad smell.They don’t even want you to speak the words “I love you” to them, let alone put your heart in the palms of their hands.

The best way of overcoming neediness and turning a girl off faster than you can think is by living an enjoyable life outside of sharing a few laughs or snuggling on the sofa watching some TV. It’s more than enough!

Neediness comes in many forms and I would like to call them the “die-hards”. They are a group of men who without any intention of making a girl their girlfriend, will spend all their time and energy trying to get her. Their neediness drives them crazy!

Another type of needy guy is the “life-mate” guy. These guys cling onto every word as if his life depend on it and will ask you to do get him what he wants, which is a relationship. Believe me, women know this! They usually ignore such men and won’t give them a chance.

So how can you turn your neediness into a powerful tool to make girls love you?

First, understand what is the root of your neediness. What is it going to be? If you are going to take my advice and turn it into a positive thing, than you have to analyze yourself and try to figure out what are the things that make you extremely needy.

Are you someone who spends a lot of his time in his bedroom? Don’t blow your chances! Are you going to obsessively call her no matter what she’s doing? Are you someone who’s in constant need for reassurance that she still loves you? If you answer yes to any of this, then its time for you to take a step back and think about whether this is really the way that you want to start a healthy relationship.

If you’re someone that is already involved with a girl, then its time for you to hold back. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! If you have already trapped yourself with her, then its time for you to let her go. Now that she’s your girlfriend it’s time to let your neediness show her off. Go out, date other girls and have fun! No, don’t flirt with them, this is a turn off for most girls! All you should be concerned about is having fun while showing your neediness is there.

Let’s turn our attention to guys who are dating a girl and needs attention and affection.

slump back! If you’re not getting what you want and you’re putting all your eggs in one basket, it’s safe to assume that she’s not that into you, so there’s nothing left to cling to. You run the risk of becoming only her confidante and not her friend. Do yourself a favor and face reality! If she wants nothing to do with you, then let go and live a wonderful life that doesn’t include her.

Keep the high quality girls on your list! Think about it! How would you like to receive a phone call or e-mail from an amazing girl if you were dating a girl and she wanted to remain anonymous? You would probably ‘fancy’ the idea of that and while you’re at it, you wouldn’t want any of your friends to ever have to feel the pain of rejection and the shame of low quality girls. So follow your heart and keep your girls in hand!

When a friend i.e. a girl you want to date, treats you in a way that is extremely beneficial to you as well as the girl, it is up to you to make the decision that you want to continue the friendship or move on. You are in charge, this means that men and women have been dating are largely the same as society’s accepted version. Therefore if you want to move forward with a girl, you should continue, let her receive the benefits of developing a healthy and strong friendship with you Review !

There are many of you that have already considered the above points and they are in line with getting your girl, but it just wasn’t to be. So what you do in such a case is you start analyzing your true feelings and if they are indeed true-you should end it! If you can’t bring yourself to end it then ask yourself, ‘is it worth getting your ‘ead out of the basket’? Really? Or you will always remain in the friend zone?

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